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The Right Treatment Starts with the Right Diagnosis

Pest Control Services in the Greater Vancouver Area

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Bedbugs have an oval body and a short, broad head. Unfed adults are around 6 to 10 mm long, brown and wingless. After feeding, they swell slightly in size and darken to a blood-red color. They often found on bed frames and mattresses seam but could be inside the baseboard or any other part of the bedroom. We carry them from bedrooms to living room also. Itchy welts on skin, blood spots on sheets and black or brown spots on mattresses, bed frames or walls often indicate that there is bedbug’s infestation.

These insects feed on human blood, usually at night. Their bites can result in a number of health impacts including skin rashes, psychological effects and allergic symptoms. Bedbug bites may lead to skin changes ranging from invisible to small areas of redness to prominent blisters. Symptoms may take between minutes to days to appear and itchiness is generally present. Some individuals may feel tired or have a fever. Typically, uncovered areas of the body are affected and often three bites occur in a row. Bed bugs bites are not known to transmit any infectious disease. Complications may rarely include areas of dead skin or vasculitis. They spread by crawling between nearby locations or by being carried within personal items. Infestation is rarely due to a lack of hygiene but is more common in high-density areas. Diagnosis involves both finding the bugs and the occurrence of compatible symptoms. Bed bugs spend much of their time in dark, hidden locations like mattress seams or cracks. We treat bedbugs with strong chemicals with warranty.

Fleas are common on pets like cats or dogs in the house. But could be on raccoons and other animals. Fleas are severe problem in the coastal and lower mainland area in B.C. Adult fleas feed on the blood of their host animals. The eggs are laid on the host, but soon fall off. They may land anywhere the animal goes, but most will be where the pet spends the most time. For best fleas treatment you must treat your pet same time, when you treat your house.
Ant removal from your residential or commercial place. Ants are very common structural pests in British Columbia. There are so many kinds of ants in the world. We have Carpenter ants, Pharaoh ants, Odorous house ants, Cornfield ants, Thatching ants and pavement ants in BC. Carpenter ants are big black ants 6-13 mm long. They make main colony outside in the moisture wood, tree, woodpiles, rotting stump, fence posts, garden ties etc. And they make satellite nest inside structure wall. in ceiling, under outdoor siding, along drain spouts near the roof line etc. Pharaoh ants are small in size 1.5-2 mm and pale yellow in color. They prefer warm, moist conditions and have very large colony, containing up to 300,000 individuals and several queens. Odorous house ants are small black 2.4-3.3 mm long ants often found in kitchens in early spring. They can make large colony and several nest sites, which are part of same colony. Cornfield ants are reddish brown 2-2.5mm long making nest in rotting wood. Thatching ants are different, some red and black and others are black, worker ants’ range in size from 3-9mm in length. Mostly you see them outside in summer and as soon as cold weather starts, they jump inside with their eggs. Whenever you see them inside or even around your structure parameter, you need treatment.
There are so many kinds of spider in the world. It is very common inside, outside, trees, plants, grass, walls, roofs etc. They are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs able to inject venom. They are not all dangerous for human but few of them can kill the human. They make web to catch insect for food. If you see them few in your house just vacuum them for solution. Otherwise you need spray to solve the problem. Of course, we help you.
Wasps are common in late summer and known such as Yellowjackets and Hornets. There are thousands of kinds in the world. We notice wasp pest in the properties are yellowjackets, hornets, paper wasp and bumblebees. They can make nest inside, outside, plants, trees, bushes, grounds and almost anywhere. They are considered pests when they become excessively common, or nest close to buildings. People are most often stung in late summer, when wasp colonies stop breeding new workers, the existing workers search for sugary foods and are more likely to come into contact with humans if people then respond aggressively, the wasps sting. Wasp nests can present a danger as the wasps may sting if people come close to them. Stings are usually painful rather than dangerous, but in rare cases, people may suffer life-threatening. Call us before they sting you. We remove your wasp nest safely and same day. We give more preferences to wasp nest for public safety.
Moths are a group of insects very much related to butterflies. Although unlike butterflies, these things prefer to work at night and in less daylight. This is because they are only attracted to artificial light. One theory about this is called the transverse orientation by which a moth maintains an angular relationship to the moon which allows them to fly in a straight path. Moths mainly differ through butterflies because of their antennae which are feathery unlike a butterfly’s. These creatures are considered to be one of the major agricultural pests in the world. They cause extreme damage to forests, crops and farms in tropical and subtropical climates. Some of their kind would even feed from fabric such as clothes, blankets and wool.  

It’s mainly because some moths prefer to feed on silk or anything that has fiber content. When it comes to survival, these things have reflex capabilities in order to avoid being eaten by larger predators. Moths have ultrasonic frequencies that trigger their system instantly allowing them to change altitude in order to keep safe from an attack. Some of their kind also has abilities to track their predators’ echolocation through emitting clicks and frequencies.

A Silverfish is a small, primitive, wingless insect in the order Zygentoma. Its common name derives from the animal’s silvery light grey color, combined with the fish-like appearance of its movements. Silverfish and firebrats live outdoors, but when building conditions are warm and damp they may move inside and adopt to the indoor environments. Once inside, they can be moved around on items transferred from one place to another (i.e., on boxes moved from damp basements or attics into main living areas.) They may also travel through heating ducts that originate in damp basements. They feed on starches such as paste, glue, fabrics, cereals, or wallpaper with paste. Take our expert advice.

Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. They live in yucca, palm and cypress trees, as well as in elevated areas of human homes. Roof rats can be found living in attics, rafters, eaves, crawl-space and on roofs. They may have nesting under the slabs. They may also choose to nest in non-arboreal vegetation, such as shrubs, honeysuckle and tall grasses. The Black roof rat and Norway rat are common to the West Coast of British Columbia. They are rare in the interior of province. Whenever you see rats around your property and hear any noise inside attic or wall, do not ignore. It could be too late when they damage your plumbing or wiring. They have 3/4-inch brown, gray or black color dropping and pee inside your home which is not healthy for you. We remove the Rats safely and perfectly guaranteed. Please call us to consult more about rats. Note: Never put poison inside the house for rat. We have good package for business and serve you month to month bases. We warranty our customers and  believe on best service.
The house mice is small and slender, weighing approximately 25-30 grams. A mice is smaller than rat and its different, but could be the same color brown or black like rat. It has a pointed nose, relatively large ears and a nearly hairless tail. They eat less food and water. Even can live without water. They multiply fast and make nest inside the wall or any other hidden areas. They have 1/4-inch brown or gray and black droppings. Mice carry harmful bacteria, can contaminate your food and make you sick. You can see them more in kitchen area. We have good solution for you. We serve for commercial kitchens, restaurants and warehouses on month to month bases.

There are two types of squirrel by color, one is gray and other one is black. Both have bushy curving tail. Most of the time they play outside lot but they get into house too. Particularly in Feb to may they breed and find the safe place for babies. They target your house attics and start making mess there. Sometimes they cut wires and pipes cause short circuit and leaking. Most People confused with rat. They think, they have rats in attic because hear same noise. Squirrel makes noise evening and morning. You get our expert help to take squirrel out from attic.

Raccoon is heavy mammal animal. They target attic, crawl space, sundeck or any other hidden places in the house. They make mess in the area and pee, damage the drywall. Raccoons can be dangerous to have on your property or in your home raccoons are common carriers of rabies and other serious diseases that can be passed onto you and your pets. If you or a pet come into contact with a raccoon and are bitten or scratched you should seek immediate medical attention. Be careful do not try yourself, if you don’t know much about raccoon. They are very aggressive, particularly when they have babies.

What Clients Say About Us

Honest, diligent, attention to detail, result oriented and explain the process properly. This pest control business is done by professionals who know what they are doing. They have the right skills and experience to eradicate pests effectively and efficiently.
Farooq K.
Fraser Valley pest Control has an in depth knowledge about pests. After sales service is also very good. I will recommend them for any kind of pest service work.
Mohd A.
I called Fraser Valley for bed bugs. They did a really good and professional job. All bugs finish from my home. I would really recommend this company for pest control.
Muhammad A.
I recommend this company. Marvellous service.
Effective & on-time Rat, Mice, Ant, Cockroach control services provided by Fraser valley pest control professionals at my residence.
Steam Concepts
Was professional and super nice. Took care of my ants problem.
Waqas K.

Your Pest Control Service Specialists

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